SYF Forms

The Foundation works closely with the SYDA Foundation, so that the Siddha Yoga teachings are available in many locations around Australia. The SYDA Foundation provides policies and guidelines for Siddha Yoga organisations around the world. The Siddha Yoga Foundation Limited implements these policies and guidelines and, in addition, as a company bound by Australian Law, ensures compliance with relevant Australian Law and relevant guidelines for good practice

SYF More forms

SYF More forms

SYF More forms

SYF More forms

Work Health and Safety (WHS) is an important consideration for all sevites. Under the National Work Health and Safety Act 2011 the Siddha Yoga Foundation is required to:

  • Identify all foreseeable hazards
  • Assess the risks arising from those hazards
  • Implement measures to eliminate or control those hazards
  • Provide information, instruction, training and supervision for sevites and
  • Consult with sevites on matters, which affect their health, safety and welfare

The Siddha Yoga Foundation (SYF) hired Benchmark OHS Consulting to inspect our facilities and make suggestions for WHS improvements based on national legislative requirements. The Siddha Yoga Foundation has refined the wording of policies and procedures we are required to have, so that they are compatible with Siddha Yoga language, philosophy and culture. Some global policies covering WHS have since been released by SYDA Foundation. These global policies and guidelines have been adjusted for compliance with relevant Australian Law and guidelines for good practice. You will find hyperlinks in the footer of each document that will lead you to related material.

For the safety of all who visit the ashram it is important that we are all aware of what to do in the case of an emergency. An evacuation plan has been developed for both the Siddha Yoga Ashram in Sydney and in Melbourne. The evacuation plan identifies emergency exits, evacuation meeting points and contact information for local emergency services (hospital, police, medical centre etc). A printed copy of this booklet is available at the reception desk of each ashram, and also available through the following links:



Fire and Evacuation Wardens

A group of sevites in Sydney and Melbourne have been invited to complete​ Fire Warden and Evacuation Training in July 2014.

A successful fire drill took place in both ashrams prior to the Chanting Tour in March 2014. The Fire and Evacuation Wardens are aware of the Emergency Evacuation procedure.

First Aid Kits

A full and up-to-date “type B” First Aid Kit is located in the kitchen at each ashram and is clearly labelled on the outside with the words “FIRST AID”. The contents of the kit are checked monthly and recorded in a designated logbook.

Injury and Incident

We now have Incident and Injury reporting forms which must be filled out if you have an accident or are injured while offering seva at a Siddha Yoga meditation centre or ashram. It is very important to let us know what happened and how it happened so that we can make every effort to prevent similar injuries or incidents from occurring in the future.

Supporting Procedures

If you notice something that concerns you about safety, in the seva you offer or you see others offering, or for community members or visitors to Siddha Yoga facilities, please bring it to the attention of leadership. You can do this by completing a short online form: Raising a Concern Form

The Foundation employs a small number of part-time staff nationally to ensure compliance with our financial and legal obligations and to assist leadership sevites with their responsibilities. The following two documents apply to employed positions only.