Families and Young People

Children and Families Participating in Satsang

The Siddha Yoga Foundation is committed to ensuring that a child or young person visiting Siddha Yoga venues and events is able to participate in activities, play and offer seva in an environment in which they feel safe, secure, valued and respected, confident to talk openly and confident of being listened to, protected against neglect, abuse, discrimination or harassment.

The Siddha Yoga Foundation is committed to ensuring that a child or young person visiting Siddha Yoga venues and events is able to participate in activities, play and offer seva in an environment in which they feel safe, secure, valued and respected, confident to talk openly and confident of being listened to, protected against neglect, abuse, discrimination or harassment. Read More

The Siddha Yoga Foundation is committed to ensuring that a child or young person visiting Siddha Yoga venues and events is able to participate in activities, play and offer seva in an environment in which they feel safe, secure, valued and respected, confident to talk openly and confident of being listened to, protected against neglect, abuse, discrimination or harassment.

All Siddha Yoga events that do not require registration welcome families with children of all ages. There are some specific events offered at the Siddha Yoga Ashrams in Melbourne and Sydney and, from time to time at other locations, that include family- focused activities for families with children age 12 and under. There are also national events that are especially designed for young people who are teens or young adults.

If you would like more information on how to participate in events for families or for young people, please contact us at info@siddhayoga.org.au.

Events for Families and Young People

Families with children of all ages are welcome to all but a few  Siddha Yoga events. There are some specific events offered at the Siddha Yoga Ashrams in Melbourne and Sydney and, from time to time at other locations, that include family-focused activities for families with children age 12 and under. 

There are also national events that are especially designed for young people who are teens or young adults.

Upcoming Events

A Weekend of Siddha Yoga Study and Practice for Young People will be held at the Siddha Yoga Ashram in Sydney from Friday 26 to Monday 29 September, 2025.
More information will be available soon.

If you would like more information on how to participate in events for families or for young people, please contact us at info@siddhayoga.org.au

Children holding hands playing in circle
Young People in action
Families learning musical instruments in Melbourne Ashram Hall
Young People dancing in a circle

Siddha Path Magazine

Siddha Path magazine was created by Gurumayi Chidvilasananda in 2008. It is a tradition in Siddha Yoga philosophy and culture to convey teachings through storytelling. This tradition of storytelling supports the spiritual education and development of young Siddha Yogis.

Storytelling is an ancient art used to impart teachings and guidance, values and life lessons—in a word, culture—from one generation to the next. Stories teach us how to live and what to live for.

Through reading and listening to the timeless tales recounted in Siddha Path, young Siddha Yogis experience the values, teachings, and culture of the Siddha Yoga path.

In the Bookstore