The Siddha Yoga Foundation Commitment to Child Safety

The Siddha Yoga Foundation is a Child Safe Organisation committed to ensuring that: 

  • any child or young person attending a Siddha Yoga venue and/or event is able to do so safely and free from harm.   
  • children and young people are able to participate in activities, play and offer seva in an environment in which they feel valued and respected.   
  • they feel confident to talk openly and to know they will be listened to and protected against neglect, abuse, discrimination or harassment. 

The Siddha Yoga Foundation is committed to: 

  • Creating a culture of child safety & protection at all levels of the Foundation. 
  • Safeguarding children and young people from all forms of abuse, harm, neglect, discrimination &/or exclusion. 
  • Empowering children, young people, families and communities by providing opportunities to participate in the development of policies and practices that impact them.  
  • Valuing diversity while promoting and nurturing culturally inclusive practices which honour and nurture all people including First Nations children and young people.  
  • Engaging only staff and volunteers (sevites) who are, and have been verified as being, suitable to work with children and young people while maintaining the provision of high-quality supervision and support. 
  • Ensuring all staff and volunteers (sevites) are trained and equipped with the skills, knowledge, and awareness to adhere to the Child Safe Standards and related child safe policies. 
  • Ensuring that all children and young people who may feel unsafe, and/or wish to raise a concern, feel confident in knowing how to raise a concern and who they can speak to.  
  • Taking any (and all) concerns, suspicions, allegations or disclosures of misconduct, abuse, and/or neglect seriously. The Foundation will take timely action to respond to and report abuse or allegations, when necessary, to the appropriate authorities.  
  • Ensuring that no individual who conducts work for the Foundation in a paid or unpaid capacity, including Siddha Yoga Trustees, management, volunteers (sevites), employees and contractors, will obstruct any investigation, or collude to protect any person or organisation. 
  • Consistently monitor the safety, suitability and security of both the Foundation’s physical and online environments which children and young people have access to. 
  • Adhering to all applicable child protection legislation including the Child Protection Act as well as the Child Safe Standards.  
  • Continuously review and improve the Foundation’s child safe policies and supporting procedures.  

The Siddha Yoga Foundation Child Safety Policy

This policy is currently under review and will be made available shortly.

What are the Child Safe Standards?

In Australia, the Child Safe Standards are compulsory measures for Child Safe Organisations that provide services to children under the age of 18. As such, the Siddha Yoga Foundation adheres to 11 Child Safe Standards reflecting the ten nationally recognised Child Safe Standards as well as the additional standard enacted in Victoria. The Standards provide tangible guidance for organisations to grow and sustain a child safe culture, adopt strategies and act to put the interests of all children first, to keep them safe from harm.  

The 11 Child Safe Standards are as follows: 

  • Standard 1: Establish a culturally safe environment in which First Nations children and young people can express their diverse and unique identities and experiences.  
  • Standard 2: Child safety is embedded in institutional leadership, governance and culture. 
  • Standard 3: Children participate in decisions affecting them and are taken seriously. 
  • Standard 4: Families and communities are informed and involved. 
  • Standard 5: Equity is upheld and diverse needs are taken into account. 
  • Standard 6: People working with children are suitable and supported. 
  • Standard 7: Processes to respond to complaints of child sexual abuse are child focused. 
  • Standard 8: Staff & volunteers are equipped with the knowledge, skills and awareness to keep children safe through continual education and training. 
  • Standard 9: Physical and online environments minimise the opportunity for abuse to occur. 
  • Standard 10: Implementation of the Child Safe Standards is continuously reviewed and improved. 
  • Standard 11: Policies and procedures document how the institution is child safe. 

Reporting A Concern

The Siddha Yoga Foundation is highly committed to responding to any and all concerns regarding the safety of children and young people. 

Should you have a concern, we encourage you to complete a short online form by clicking on the button below and we will respond to you as soon as possible. 

If you prefer to write to us, please send an email to

Urgent Support

If you are aware of someone in immediate danger, please call ‘000’ and ask for the Police. 

If you are not sure if it is an emergency but would like to speak with the Police, please call the Police Assistance Line on 131 444.


If you have any feedback, suggestions &/or questions about the Foundation’s Commitment to Child Protection or a related matter please email

Commitment Updates

The Siddha Yoga Foundation reserves the right to update this Commitment to Child Safety Statement following any changes to the Child Protection Act or other relevant legislation including the Child Safe Standards as well as updates to Siddha Yoga Foundation’s policy & processes relating to Child Protection. 

* Updated November 2023.