Siddha Yoga Shaktipat Intensive 2023
in Honour of Baba Muktananda's Mahasamadhi

The Heart Is the Haven: 

Behold the Light of Joy and Embrace Calm


FEE: $695 Adults ($240 Young People* 13-24)

Meal Option: $25 (Lunch plus morning & afternoon tea)

How to prepare

You are invited to participate in the audio webcast of the Preparation for the Shaktipat Intensive available online on the Siddha Yoga path website. 

On the day of the event

• Dress modestly to support the sacred environment of the meditation hall.

• Have the following items with you:

o Journal and pen

o Meditation asana

o Shawl

o Support for sitting, such as a cushion or blanket

o Small bottle of water

What is a Shaktipat Intensive?

Click below to learn more about the Shaktipat Intensive. 
Please note: These links are located on the Siddha Yoga path website (, and will open in a new tab.