We are now preparing to welcome fabulous new floor coverings throughout the entire Siddha Yoga Ashram in Melbourne.
As you may have read in the Area Director’s monthly emails, the Ashram in Melbourne has had entire sections of flooring rebuilt, using quality materials to ensure it lasts for many years to come.
You are invited to take home a small part of the Ashram that is infused with the shakti of our spiritual practices. A limited number of carpet segments from the sacred Hall are now available, for a donation amount of your choice above the minimum donation of $10.00. You may like to incorporate the carpet piece into your own meditation space or meditation asana. It will come with instructions on how to seal the edges.
The Hall carpet was installed just before Gurumayi’s last visit in 1997 and for 24 years the woollen carpet has absorbed the shakti that has permeated this sacred space from all the spiritual practices we have performed as a community.
If you choose to make a donation, your offering will support the work of the Siddha Yoga Foundation in Australia, including the upkeep of the Siddha Yoga Ashram in Melbourne. It is through the ongoing support of the community and major donors that we can undertake the projects that maintain the sacred Ashrams in Australia, for now and for the future.
We have two segment sizes available:
Small, varied in size (18cm x 28cm to 20cm x 30cm)
Large, the size of an asana (around 60cm x 70cm)
Shipping is charged in addition to your donation and will be calculated at checkout.
Domestic shipping prices are
Small segment $6.15
Large segment $22.00
They are available to order until Sunday 28 November
The sevites who are processing your order will aim to post the segments by the first week of December. Please note that COVID back-logs and increased postal activity at this time mean that delivery before Christmas is unlikely.
If you wish, please click on the image below to choose your carpet segment size and submit a donation.